
Boosting Productivity with AI

Free tutorials on AI tools like Browse.ai, Content Forge, Gamma.ai, Numerous.ai, Petalica Paint, Prime Voice.


Introduction to Web 3.0

Free tutorials on AI tools like Browse.ai, Content Forge, Gamma.ai, Numerous.ai, Petalica Paint, Prime Voice.


Design with Playground AI

Maket: AI-driven design tool revolutionizing architectural visualization for professionals and homeowners.


The Metaverse 3 parts

Dive into the metaverse’s transformative potential, covering safety, inclusivity, and ethical considerations in technology.


Mastering Ethical AI

Delve into AI ethics: transparency, bias impact, and real-world dilemmas. Ideal for career growth in ethical AI.


Web3 social media

Revolutionize social networks with Web3: Learn architecture, development, and marketing in six modules.


AI for Business Process Automation

Learn AI tools like UiPath, ABBYY, and Zapier for efficient, automated business process workflows.
